Discover How You Can Become An Investor In
Startup Companies Using This New Little Known Rule

For the first time in history, anyone can become an investor in startup companies online. Under Titles III & IV of the JOBS Act of 2012, American companies seeking funding no longer have to restrict solicitation of investments to accredited investors. This means that anyone interested in being part of revolutionary new companies are able to invest at the early stage of company growth and watch their investment grow with the company. Equity crowdfunding works much the same as rewards-based crowdfunding, but instead individuals get stock ownership in the company.

Introducing the Equity Crowdfunding Expert Darren Marble of CrowdfundX
Darren Marble
CEO, Crowdfundx
"Equity crowdfunding is democratizing the way startups raise capital by giving individuals the opportunity to become investors in companies they believe in."

One of the country’s top minds in crowdfunding campaign architecture, Darren has negotiated and delivered successful campaigns for entrepreneurs, VCs and multi-national corporations across the country.

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